5 Strategies To Stay Motivated When Writing Dissertation - Academic Feedback


Thursday, 9 April 2020

5 Strategies To Stay Motivated When Writing Dissertation

Dissertation Writing
Writing a dissertation is a hard job. You tend to get demotivated through it. The trick to completing your dissertation is to remain motivated; and here are some great tips for motivation to help you stay on track:

Plan Properly:
The most important to note is that before embarking on your dissertation, that nobody expects you to finish writing your dissertation in a day even if you have got dissertation help. It is a long process that involves repetitive writing, re-reading, editing and formatting until you're done with it. Make sure you prepare the thesis properly before you start writing it. Your mentor will be able to help you put together a timetable, breaking down the whole cycle into manageable deadlines for bite sizes. Keep disciplined and stick to your plan and you will find that you can stay motivated. Find out what you want to do every day and break the day into sessions instead. Set yourself a time when you are going to have a certain job done. You might have one session, or you might have three if you are very busy, depending on what you want to accomplish on the day. Forcing yourself to work with precise goals in allocated time slots will help you be more successful (and give you the flexibility to do other things too).

Take Productive Breaks:
Working on your dissertation all day is a sure-fire way to easily get yourself burnt out. Your deadlines are significant, but so is your health and well-being, so take daily time out to recharge your batteries from writing. You don't have to take a whole holiday to leave the country to relax; it can be as easy as taking off the evening to go out with a friend for dinner, indulging in a nice long bubble bath, or enjoying your favorite pizza box set. If you're stuck in between the paragraphs and start losing confidence, just think of the many fun things you can do after your thesis is introduced, defended, and bound. Increasing your motivation with optimistic thoughts such as getting your diploma, getting a better-paid job and working in a profession you're passionate about.

Keep Writing:
In large measure, writing a dissertation is not so much a feat of the mind as it is the product of training. When you can set aside big amounts of time to work and write with, make sure you do not use the time for other activities. That means you have to fight against multi-tasking. Research have shown that multi-tasking is an inability to cognize. Although it is important to keep writing and making the most of the time that you have, it is best to set aside significant amounts of time to work with while completing projects. Writing requires momentum and is gaining momentum over time. Keep writing continually even if you write a paragraph a day.

Stay Positive And Avoid Perfectionism:
You are going to be fine. Don't get stuck in over-analyzing every word, every paragraph because it isn't going to be perfect. Writing is a skill that becomes ripe over time. As you continue to write you will refine your style. Every time, you'll get better and better. Do not fine-tune the process. Fill in the process. Intuitive writing will help too. Only write down what you feel like saying, even though it does not make sense yet at this point. Even if you're not sure how this might fit into a bigger picture. Just write down. Build the points up gradually. Begin with your main points and add additional arguments and references as you write. Every time you proofread, you're likely to get more tips to better your writing. Full the closing argument. Remember there is nothing like perfection, all it takes a continuous effort.

Find Your Creative Space:
Find your room devoted to writing and study to achieve your educational degree. It is a place where your body knows when you're there it's time to write. This could be a corner of your bedroom, any place in your garden or just sitting on the floor. It depends entirely on you. See where the thoughts so naturally seem to flow. Know also the hours you're most productive. Determine the time of day when you're most creative and productive. Squeeze it all in, and maximize it. Know yourself and when it works best. Often it may be important to adjust your workspace just to cheer you up. You may want to go to a public place where, despite getting people around you, you can carve out a personal room to focus on. Inspiration may often occur in seemingly chaotic locations.

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